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Class of 2029 Common App 작성 시작합니다.

Class of 2029 Common App 작성 시작합니다.

- A copy of your high school transcript

- A list of your activities, work, and family responsibilities

- Test scores and dates from your college entrance exams (SATs, ACTs, etc.)

- Parent/Legal guardian information

- Academic honors and achievements

Creating a Common App account!

You can create a Common App account even if you don’t plan on applying for another few months or another few years. You can answer questions in the Common App tab and build a college list at any time.

  • Create your account and choose your student type
    • If you haven’t yet attended college, select “first-year student”
    • If you have college credits from dual enrollment high school courses, you should still select “first-year student” 
    • If you have already attended 1 or more colleges after graduating high school, select “transfer student”. We also have a separate transfer student guide to help you out. 
  • Create new login credentials. Colleges may need to get in touch with you during the application process, so be mindful of which email address you choose. Sometimes your high school address may filter out these emails, so consider using a personal email address. When choosing an email address, be sure to use one that:
    • You check regularly
    • Does not use inappropriate language 
    • You will have access to after you graduate from high school 
  • Complete your registration information
    • We will need some basic information about you like your name, home address, phone number, and date of birth.
    • Be sure to use your legal name as it appears on official school documents and standardized tests. This will make sure colleges can match documents to the correct person.
    • At the end, you will adjust your communication preferences and accept the Common App privacy policy.
  • Select "create account" and you’re done!

Plan essays

Sometimes writings essays can feel like the biggest part of your application.

With a little bit of planning, organizing, and drafting, we can help you make this task more manageable.

As you work on your applications you can find essays or short answer questions in three sections:

Common App Personal Essay

Colleges can either make the personal essay optional or required. In the writing section of your Common App tab, you will see a table that lists each college's requirements.

College-specific questions

Many colleges include short answer questions or essay prompts within this section. You can find specific information about each college's individual writing prompts here.

Writing supplements

Some colleges use a separate writing supplement. Not all colleges have a writing supplement. Some colleges only request this supplement based on how you answer other questions. You can find more information about writing supplements on the Dashboard or your My Colleges tab.